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Arkantz - Blog humaniste & républicain de vigilance
Arkantz - Blog humaniste & républicain de vigilance
Derniers commentaires
3 septembre 2014

Warning to the World...

 Warning to the World...
Washington and its NATO & EU Vassals are Insane Paul Craig Roberts Herbert E. Meyer, a nutcase who was a special assistant to the CIA director for a period during the Reagan administration, has penned an article calling for Russian President Putin's assassination....
14 août 2014

Washington Chokes Truth With Lies by Paul Craig Roberts

Washington Chokes Truth With Lies by Paul Craig Roberts
Are Western propagandists fooling anyone but themselves? The latest absurdity coming out of Ukraine, the EU and Washington is that the humanitarian aid that Russia and the Red Cross are trucking into the former Russian territories that comprise eastern...
Arkantz - Blog humaniste & républicain de vigilance
  • Arkantz est mon nom de plume. S'il commence par A et finit par Z, ce n'est pas un hasard mais un hommage à un artiste auquel je suis apparenté. Consultant-formateur engagé, je m'inscris dans une vision laïque, humaniste et écologiste de la société.
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